
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Where is the love

The game called politics is a tough one for many. This article is addressed for only the ones who find it difficult to deal with it. Its a simple casper formula of loving the thing you fear the most. Love it to the extend that you stop fearing it any more. Start loving the ones who practice it. Sympathize with them and help them. help them feel good about themselves, help them trust you, help them love themselves more. It's a game in which people are fighting their inner self. It is very difficult to know that they are being hated by all and yet carry on as the most hated person because of some kind of dependences.

Love them help them be their moral support try not to speak against them but don't trust them. Only when you start trusting them you'll loose it. Its easy to preach and to practice is extremely difficult. This formula can be practiced at a place where you do not have any prior image. If you are very very bad at handling it, don't try to. Technical skills can take you places work more on it and always remember 'change is the key to success'

In the end I would like to quote black eyed peas ' What's wrong with the world mama? I think the whole worlds addicted to the drama' and I would like to add please enact a character in the drama instead of trying to change it. Most entrepreneurs that you worship have already enacted and have learnt to do it well

Friday, May 7, 2010

Living a training 1

Training word meant to me, a rigorous effort by two people - the trainer and the trainee. I constant persistence that can change the life of the trainee completely. What I failed to foresee then, was its a constant persistence that can change the life of a trainer too.

Taking it up as a profession is not on my mind as of now, though people around me keep telling me that I should do it. Those people are probably the ones who wish to protect me. Now I feel I have been trained enough to get back with a bang.

There were many conclusions to my training, one of them being, we should not run away from politics. Politics will follow us wherever we are it can appear like a ghost, if we fear it. Going according to the Hollywood theory, if we love the ghost and help it out it will help us back. The people practicing too much of politics can be the ones who have suffered it the most in their lives and at last got a chance to execute their powers. So, please sympathize with them first and don't hate them. They need as much help as you need :-)